DC20 – Dance and Health Throughout the Years

For our 20th anniversary, we’re looking back at some of the wonderful moments in Dance Consortium history, including our work bringing together dance companies with health organisations, like Mark Morris’ collaboration with Dance for Parkinsons.

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Photo: Rachel Cherry

Connecting audiences with dance beyond the performance is at the core of Dance Consortium’s work. Alongside tours, we have developed a series of workshops and community events to engage with audience members.

An unforgettable community project that took place during Dance Consortium’s tour of Mark Morris Dance Group’s inspiring and quirky performance, Pepperland, was a series of dance activities for people living with Parkinson’s. We were thrilled to be able to bring Mark Morris Dance Group, who are pioneers in development of dance classes, to people living with Parkinson’s to audiences across the UK. The talented Mark Morris dancers provided a variety of classes that explored movement in ways that are enjoyable, stimulating and creative and, as shown by an increasing body of scientific evidence, offer benefits in supporting balance and confidence.

It was a delight for Dance Consortium to be part of Dance for Parkinson’s UK partnership with People Dancing and provide a positive experience for communities with long-term health conditions, highlighting the real value of dance as it enables people to step out of the role of being a patient and to help them live well with illness.