Thank you for considering supporting Dance Consortium’s ongoing activities.

Who is Dance Consortium?
Dance Consortium was established as a registered charity in 2000 and has since presented over 50 tours from almost 30 different international companies from across 6 continents (we haven’t found a dance company in Antarctica yet but we’re still looking!).

Through our performances, education and participatory activities we have reached nearly 1 million people and helped grow the dance sector in the UK by introducing artists and audiences to global talent. This international reach and partnership work is unparalleled in the UK and Ireland, and both the Dance Consortium team, and our member venues, constantly strive to build partnerships and relationships across the world.

To achieve this ambitious programme of work it takes a huge amount of collaborative work and resources from our small, dedicated team who deliver the tours and develop strategic programmes to engage more people through dance.

Who funds us?
Dance Consortium receives public money through an annual grant from Arts Council England, which covers approximately a third of operating costs. Members venues also contribute towards the running costs of tours through performance fees.

Why do we need your support?

Dance Consortium’s mission is to ensure high-quality, diverse work from the most talented dance companies from across the world engages with the broadest possible audiences across the UK and Ireland. But it’s not just about performances! – It’s also about building unique international opportunities for young people across the UK through bespoke young leaders programmes, training opportunities, workshops and unparalleled access to the very best in international dance.

“These experiences really are life changing and, today in our class, the students used dance to perform a poem about Bonfire Night. I felt so proud and grateful to see an immediate response to the learning they accessed through your workshop.” – Tutor, Bradford College

“Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. I was eager to try and find more theatre opportunities to grow my own network and to learn new things about the industry that I love! The tour has been amazing, I have learned so much and everyone has been so welcoming and very professional.” – Placement Student from Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA)

To continue collaborating and presenting companies from across the world and ensuring audiences see the most innovative and exciting work we rely on generous donations from trusts, foundations and individuals.

Would you like to help us to reach more audiences and offer people of all ages the opportunity to experience world class dance?

You can donate in a range of different ways via our Enthuse Donation Portal. You can choose to make a one-off donation, set up a regular monthly amount or contribute to a specific activity or fundraising campaign. Each gift moves us towards offering a world class dance experience for all.

And if you would like to discuss your gift please contact Joe Bates, Chief Executive:

If you are a UK Tax Payer please don’t forget to include Gift Aid to enable your donation to go even further.

Donate Now

Easy Fundraising

There is now an even easier way to support our work and it won’t cost you a penny! Dance Consortium has set up an easyfundraising page which generates donations for charities through online shopping that you’re already doing.

easyfundraising partners with over 7,500 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won’t cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand.

To make things even eaiser, easyfundraising has set up an option to install their browser extension, called the Donation Reminder. It will pop up on every trailer site where a donation is available, which means you don’t have to remember to come to easyfundraising first!