Goodbye to the Trocks

Cast and Crew assemble by the Trocks' Tour Truck

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Carlos trying his best to pack

The end of a tour always comes around too quickly and it’s always bittersweet. Bitter because we hate goodbyes, but sweet too; because we now have some really wonderful, bright, and recent ‘Trock’ memories to  treasure….

From Ian the Truck (christened on tour Ian the ‘Trock’) whose consistent dedication and hard-work we were able to feature through some brilliant images he sent over, the stream of fabulous blogs from dancers and workers alike including Bobby the Trock donning a kilt in Edinburgh, Nick our production manager who showed us around a Trock get-in, and of course our Trock DIY make-up competition winner Michael Eppy, who wowed us all with those rose-petal eyelashes and finally got to meet the Trocks, (on stage no less) at Brighton Dome.

Bobby tries the local fashions in Edinburgh

Please do leave us a review on our dedicated audience reviews section. These mean so much to the company who read every one, and for us it is essential to have your feedback on the shows we bring. We have 10 signed Trocks programmes to give away and 2 theatre tickets to some of the lucky reviewers.

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo – we salute you! We can’t wait to see you again soon xx