A very happy Summer with The Trocks

Raffaele Morra being interviewed on Japanese television

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This week we’ve caught up with Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo dancer Raffaele Morra, AKA Lariska Dumbchenko!

We’ve got all the gossip on his fun summer, travelling the world before he heads over to the UK with the rest of the company to perform on our stages!

“What a Great Summer this is..despite the almost 35℃….

The Trocks are not on tour at the moment, and I am in Italy right now.

Some of us are vacationing, some are teaching and coaching in organized Ballet Summer Programs, others are keeping busy making Ballet costumes, other are performing in Ballet Galas.

Luckily through this Summer I can see myself doing almost all of the above!

Our last tour was to Japan. My friends have been talking about it in their blogs already..

It has been a wonderful tour for me as well. For the first time I had to act as the only Ballet Master for the company for the entire length of the tour, (since our beloved Paul Ghiselin had to miss it), and I have to say I really enjoyed this experience and the extra responsibilities such job demands.

After the Japanese Tour I have had some time off…and what better way to spend such time then visiting London?

London is my favorite city, I always feel at ease, I have many friends living there and is a place I will never get tired of visiting…I always have a great time. I love to walk around, find new things to see and do.

This time, among other things, I went to see Sylvie Guillem Farewell Perfomance, Life in Progress, at the London Coliseum. For a lot of dancers of my generation Sylvie Guillem has been a staple: she raised ballerinas’ standards to a different level, with her body facilities rarely seen before, wonderful technique and a new approach to all the classics. Not everyone has loved such approach, not too expressive and colder at times, but no one can deny she is one of the greatest dancers of our times. I felt I had to go see her live in what might be my last chance…

After my vacation in London I am now spending some time in my home town in Italy, with my family and friends.

While here some people might say I act a little bit like Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet..). Just like the main character of British TV series Keeping Up Appearances, I like to entertain family and friends with small parties at my place.

This time, I have organized an “apertitivo” in my garden with some friends and family….

Obviously, I am kidding with my resemblance to Hyacinth Bouquet and I am not trying to impress people like she used to, but I think is important for me, always traveling so much for my job, to organize  such gathering to have the opportunity to spend quality times and have good memories with my childhood friends and family.

In a recent interview I have quoted one of my favorite writers, Agatha Christie. In the first chapter of her Biography she says:”One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is to have a happy childhood. I had a very happy childhood.”

I had a very happy childhood as well, thanks to my family and those friends I invite at such parties. Is my way to thank them and to keep having a good time together.

After this short visit home, another highlight of my Summer is coming up. On August 21 and 22 I will be in Buenos Aires, dancing at Fifth International Ballet Gala at Teatro Coliseo .

I love to participate in Ballet Galas, because I always have the chance to meet wonderful artists, from whom I  always learn a lot and with whom I can share my experiences as a dancer.

Our stories are always very similar, with hours of hard work and studying facing the barre being the ‘Leitmotive’ in them, and yet our different life experiences and our different personalities make us unique. It is always wonderful to learn, get inspired and share with other artists. I am really looking forward to this one!

And then, in Mid September, we’ll be coming back to London and the UK.

We are all getting ready for our next visit: our shows will include new ballets and new versions of our classics, so I am sure the audiences will be happy and have a lot of fun with us. We are all truly looking forward to this tour.

So, this Summer I have danced, taught, entertained, did and will travel a lot both for fun and for my job.

I will not make costumes: it is really not something I can do!

With the years I have learned how to sew ribbons and elastics to my pointe shoes and I am able to stitch a button back on my shirt if needed, but I think  it is better if I do not attempt to go further than that. In the future I might ask one my skilled colleagues to teach me how to make a leotard or a tutu, but for the moment I will enjoy their wonderful works: Alberto’s T shirts and Leotards, Chase’s Leotards and Philip’s Tutus.

I wish a very Happy End of Summer to Everyone.

Mine has been very happy so far and I am looking forward to an hectic, yet interesting End of Summer.

Yours, Raffaele.