The final countdown to Cirque Éloize

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With January now well under way we’re now on official countdown to welcome French Canadian Circus company, Cirque Éloize with their show Cirkopolis, to the UK. It is one of our longest tours to date with the company being here from mid-February until the beginning of April – we’re hoping we can keep them entertained!

We were lucky enough to visit Cirque Éloize in Blagnac, France in November. We had a great time meeting the artists, interviewing them and filming footage to share with you guys back home and of course seeing the show. Some of us were lucky enough to see the show twice – a real treat and well fully expect the UK not to be disappointed! Three of the artists are originally from the UK so are extremely excited to come home and perform near by to where they grew up and trained.

We also got some fab footage of the artists showing off their skills that they perform in the show. Head over to Twitter and check out all the fab videos and pictures under the hashtag #CirkopolisUK

The artists also were pretty excited about heading to the UK. Frederic is excited to visit London, and Lea can’t wait to roll into beautiful Wales. See them below!