We can’t believe we’re a 3rd of the way through Sutra tour already!
So far the Sutra monks, dancers, musicians and crew have been to Cardiff, London and Plymouth, taking their very unique, dynamic show to packed theatres.
Sutra celebrated its 5th birthday at a reception at Sadler’s Wells on the opening night there, which was very special indeed. We were very interested to meet some of the now-strapping monks of 16 who once played the child monk in the early days!

Sutra 5th Anniversary reception at Sadler's Wells
Some reviews are in from Press, Audience and Bloggers: all really important to us; we make sure the company get to see them too.
If you’ve seen the show and would like to share what you thought, we want to hear you from you! Please leave a comment on the Audience Review section of our site. We try to give as many reviewers as possible a signed programme as a momento and a thank you for taking the time to do it, and, for one lucky reviewer we’ll throw in 2 free theatre tickets to a future Dance Consortium tour.
Here’s what the audience thought in Cardiff: